Intersped Transitos Navegacao

Main Contact
Tania Vilanhiro
[email protected]
Elisabete Santos
[email protected]
Jorge Alves
[email protected]
Fátima Félix
[email protected]
Address: R. de Joaquim Moreira de Sousa 336, Portugal
What Does Intersped Do? We work with you to find the most cost-effective solution to your freigh and Logistics requirements. We bring vast knowledge, experience, profissional skils, partner carriers, freight service, ancillary facilites and hardworking, honest people to your organization. AIR and SEA Services: The top carrier in air and sea freigh based on volume, and a long Track record of sucessfuly fulfilled contracts. ROAD SERVICES: Dedicated vehicle services for all mayor European cities. A COMPLETE RANGE OF LOGISTICS SERVICES: * State-of-the-art Warehousing facilites *Own Customs bonded export warehouse *Own Customs bonded Warehouse Customs Licence for Wine & Spirits * ISP Customs Licence for Oil ans Lubricants for car. Intersped Drinls Logistcs is a specialist Logistics provider to the beverage industry. We provide an efdicient, reliable and cost effective service dedicted to the varied needs of our customers from our dedicate offices. We provide solutions from wherever beverages are produced at Portugal, as well as, around the World.